Faith. It’s one of those things we have whether we’re aware
of it or not. It’s not a question of “if” but “what” we believe.
On the relationship between faith and reason, some agree with Aquinas, who wrote that faith isn’t opposed to reason but
is its corollary. Reason establishes that which is logical (reasonable) to
believe and faith begins there.
But others (Bahnsen, for one) disagree. They contend that reason doesn’t begin to function until faith is operational. To try and use
logic on “ultimate” questions, such as human purpose in creation, is like trying
to measure celestial music with a teaspoon!
Whether you believe in a Creator God, the Big Bang theory or both/neither, you probably agree that writing requires some measure of faith. The successful writer must believe that she has: 1) some talent to begin with (a gift)
2) something important to say
3) the ability to work out the difficulties of craft—plot, characterization, theme, etc.—in a satisfactory and engaging way
4) the possibility of eventually reaching at least one reader—preferably an editor.
And then? That she’ll be able to do it again.
Beautifully written.
ReplyDeleteFaith for me has always been separate from reason. There are things I believe simple because I know in my heart they are true. I have no evidence of them, and I don't need any. I just believe.
Wow, Stephanie! I love your comment. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI have always found it interesting that it takes more faith to be an atheist or to believe in evolution that it takes to be a Christian. There are a lot of fantastical things one must believe to believe and maintain there is either no God or that this universe came into existence by chance.
ReplyDelete@Stephanie, please accept this in love and humility as I offer it carefully, - becareful of believing just because your heart tells you things are true, remember the heart is deceitful and despartely wicked.
Yes, Gregg, I agree with you that evolution requires a huge leap of faith.
ReplyDeleteWriting requires a lot of faith... but then so does living. Even those who say they have no faith must have faith in something. Like you say, it's all so elusive.
ReplyDeleteExcellent post. I like the initial discussion of the concept using different ideas over the word along with the later application to writing.
ReplyDeleteI don't have faith in God...I KNOW there is God. But I also know many people struggle. I love how you related faith to writing.
ReplyDeleteNow following your blog. I think the essence of faith is simple, but as with anything the more you think about it and take it apart, the more complex you make it. True faith is childlike.
An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out
Thanks for your "followship." :) Aren't you one of the originators of this whole A-Z thing?
DeleteYes, A to Z had its simple beginnings on my Tossing It Out blog in 2010. A great team of collaborators has helped turn the Challenge into something big.
An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out
That's terrific, Arlee Bird. I'm doubly honored.
DeleteYeah, life takes a lot of faith. Many things we have to do before we know whether we can or not.
ReplyDeleteBelieving in ourselves is key :)
Not sure what's going on but having trouble knowing if my comment is going through. If this is a duplicate, ignore it.... Here's what I wrote:
ReplyDeleteAmen Sister!
We were created both spiritual and physical beings and our spirits (faith) MUST work together with our minds (reason) if we are to know our purpose in this life we have been given. I'm in the camp of Seek and Ye Shall Find - Faith first, then all will be made clear. Like a child, the WORD tells us.
Blessed Friday to you.
Sorry you had trouble commenting. Blessed Friday to you too.
DeleteAnother faith based theme! Love it. And thanks for stopping by today and saying hello!
ReplyDeleteI need to print out your 1-4 list and put it on my writer's bulletin board.